Cardiology Coding Spotlight for Heart Health Month

On this episode of the CodeCast, Terry focuses on February’s Heart Health Month, where many of us are wearing red to bring awareness to good cardiovascular habits and good heart healthy habits.

Taking that to heart, Terry takes a look at cardiology coding as a focus, since so much has been addressed with COVID during the past year.

She reminds us to not neglect your heart! (Or other possible issues that can arise!)

Continuing with the theme, Terry cites examples of Cardiology E/M 2021 records that show the contrast of using time vs using MDM. You may be surprised because so many providers are defaulting to time as their leveling agent: and it is hurting their reimbursement profile.

Also discussed is a timeline for ICD-11-CM; taking a break from it all for healthy minds as well as a healthy heart.

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